Frequently heard statements are thefollowing: "All religions are equallytrue;" one religion is as good asanother;" different religions aremerely different roads to the samegoal.
"But why there cannot be severalreligions equally true?Here are the reasons why one religionis not as good as another:1.)Because different religionscontradict one another, andcontradictions can never be equallytrue.2.)Because religion is an exactscience - the science of what Goddemands of men owe to God-and noscience can maintain that oppositepropositions are equally true.3.)Because all men have the samenature, the same destiny, the sameneeds, the same laws and the same God,and therefore there must be only onetrue religion intended for all.4.)Because religion is truth-the truthabouth the proper relationship betweenman and God-and the truth isobjective, unchangeable, indivisibleand one.5.)Because it is a matter of historythat Christ did found one Church, andsaid to that Church: "He that hearethyou, heareth me; he that desiseth you,despiseth me."6.)Because, since men proclaimed theproposition that "all religions areequally true," so many hundreds ofreligions have been invented, sowildly contradictory in belief andpractice, that many men have beenmoved to say "There is no truth inreligion at all.
"Therefore it is the duty of everyhuman being to satisfay his mind thathe is practicing the true religion,and, in doubt, to seek out the onethat is unmistakably true.
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